Nature Friends of Rekawa (NFR) is a Community Based Organization (CBO) that consist local Turtle Nest Protectors in Rekawa village near Tangalle in Hambanthota District of Southern Sri Lanka. NFR was formed in 2010 by the Turtle Conservation Project (TCP) of Sri Lanka with the aim of developing the capacity of Rekawa community members to conserve, manage and use the marine and coastal resources in Rekawa in a sustainable manner. Currently, there are twenty turtle nest protectors actively involved in turtle nest protection activities in Rekawa beach. NFR is a registered organization with the government’s Central Environmental Authority (6/6/17/09/29).
NFR Vision: Sustainable Sea Turtle Population in Rekawa
NFR Mission: Conduct beach patrols, beach monitoring, beach cleaning, habitat protection, education and research to ensure the sustainability of Rekawa sea turtle population.
The NFR operates according to an approved constitution, and at present headed by Mr. Asanka Lakmal (President), Mr. Galison (Secretary) and Mr. P.M. Chinthaka (Treasurer) with the additional support of NFR committee members.